God has a way of getting our attention if we will just look around at our surroundings. I thought I was going to build a house on a piece of property that was part of our existing homestead land. I had already talked to a builder. He had agreed to build on the land and now it was time to coordinate the blueprints. But he vanished. Gone without a trace! His office did not return my voice messages. He didn’t return my calls or my texts. This went on for days. I was frustrated.

Taking a walk that evening I saw a small, pink ball laying in a parking lot. I was in no mood. I was going to drop kick the ball out of my way, but when I went to pick it up I got a message from God instead. Printed on the ball were the words, “Don’t give up”. “Ok, Lord, I get it.” So, the ball went into my pocket and properly displayed on my kitchen counter.
Soon afterwards, my son and I were driving through a housing development and found a nice home still under construction that would be perfect for us. We purchased the home on Mother’s Day. My old home went up for sale, and after one deal that fell through the night before closing, and another one that failed due to finances, I finally had a buyer! The whole process had come full circle. I must admit, there were times I struggled with the ups and downs of buying and selling a home, coordinating the move, and all the other things you find out along the way, but God was so faithful. His message on the pink ball, “Don’t give up”, was a constant reminder to me that He was in control of the whole situation.
So whatever difficulty comes your way, where you think you can’t get past it, remember, “Don’t give up”. God is faithful. Proverbs 3:5says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
Suzanne Soto
La Feria, Tx