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God Has a Red Pen!

Writer: GayleGayle

It was Saturday, and I had my morning all planned out.  I was going to go visit a friend, run some errands, and then head back home to do some computer work.  But when I got in the car the “low tire” indicator was on.  Uuggghhh!!  To be honest, I was a bit put out.  Having to get my tire fixed was NOT in “MY PLANS” but it WAS in GOD’S plans.  I called a friend and told her my unexpected dilemma and her response was, “Someone needs a God Story book, so smile.”

Now I was feeling bad, because I hadn’t asked the Lord for His directions that morning but had focused on “my to do list”, and I sure didn’t feel like smiling, but I repented for my actions, took some God Stories books from the car, and walked over to Home Depot while my tire was being fixed.

At the checkout counter I felt the Lord tell me to give the cashier a God Story book.  I pulled one out and waited till she’s was done charging me and I had paid for my products.  She points to the book and says, “Don’t forget that.” 

I reply, “It’s for you.” 

As I am handing it to her and she’s saying “thank you”, all of a sudden, I hear the man behind me say, “It’s wise to take heed to your spiritual walk.”  I turn around and he is looking at her when he said it, and then he repeats the same phrase again.  He then says, pointing to the book, “I have read one of those.” 

I said, “How did you get a God Story book?” 

He replies, “I read them on the internet.” 

Wow!!  What an amazing, God ordained encounter.  God was teaching ME a lesson!!  I needed to take heed to MY spiritual walk.  "Lord, help me to be sensitive to YOUR leading and NOT to my agenda.  It’s not my will, but Yours, be done."

 “… nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”  Luke 22:42

Suzanne Soto

La Feria, TX




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