"What? Not again! I'm so tired of reading all the negativity she spews forth daily on Facebook!!" Yet, I was talking negative and complaining to myself about her negativity when suddenly the Lord gently reminded me, "Aren't you doing the same... judging, criticizing, condemning and spewing negativity?" (Matthew 7:1, 3-6) I realized He showed me the negativity in her life and for me not to be critical of her, but to pray for her... to see her spiritually like Jesus does in Matthew 9:36, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." So, the Lord's correction to me was really an answer to the prayer Gayle and I had been praying for several weeks... to see and love others like Jesus does: "Lord make us to increase and abound in love for one another and for all men..." (1 Thess. 3:12). Therefore, I repented and asked the Lord to remove the obvious plank in my eye (Matthew 7:5). Immediately, I felt the change in my heart... to "increase and abound in love" towards her, and was now seeing her spiritually. Only the Lord could do that, because I hadn't been able to "see" like He saw.
Later that day as I was reading my Bible, the phrase, "Keep watching and praying" (Matt. 26:41), almost leaped off the page. Once again, the Lord was encouraging and confirming to me to keep "seeing" what He wanted me to pray about for that person. Therefore, with confidence I know when I "see", He's telling me to pray.
So, the next time you're tempted to roll your eyes at someone's Facebook post or text message, take a deep breath and ask the Lord to give you "eyes to see". Ask Him to show you how to love and pray for that person, instead of judging and criticizing. Trust me, it will be a game-changer. God Opened My Eyes to See!
Myrna Brogdon
Los Fresnos, Texas