In 2003 Simon and I were planning to buy a home in the San Antonio, Texas area. We wanted a place that had at least one to two acres, four bedrooms/2 baths, a workshop, and separate living quarters for our daughter and her son. We prayed about it and put it in God’s hands.
During our search we almost made two wrong decisions, if not for our Lord’s faithfulness. The first choice we made seemed to be right to us. However, when we were on our way to celebrate over lunch, I had an uneasy feeling but didn’t know why. When we got to the restaurant, I excused myself, went to the ladies’ room and locked the door. I got on my knees and started talking to the Lord. I somehow knew that it had to do with the house we had just decided to buy. I asked God for forgiveness and asked Him to block this purchase if it was not His choice for us. The next day we were told that our offer was not accepted. The second offer we made was basically the same but this time Simon was not able to sleep all night. In the morning, he said, “What are we going to do? I think we made a mistake again.” I reassured him that this issue was already in God’s hands. The problem this time had to do with something we saw when we took our children to see the second place. God came through for us and the second offer was declined. The first two times we were going to settle for less than what we had actually agreed upon.
Right when we were ready to give up, our realtors took us to see the place we ended up buying. God gave us more than what we had planned for. I praise God for His Word and faithfulness.
“In his heart man makes his plans but it is the Lord who directs his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
Maria Elena Rivera
San Antonio, Texas